Tami Combs Tami Combs

I Should Have Put More Cheese On It

“I Should Have Put More Cheese On It” - one of the contenders of autobiography titles for my (currently unwritten) autobiography.

Last year my sister and her family got an outdoor pizza oven. One fall afternoon, I took my mom up there and we made our own little pizzas (credit to my sister for hand making the dough). My nephew had just taken his pizza out and was getting ready to eat it when he said, “I should have put more cheese on it.” Quickly I responded, “That could be the title of my autobiography.” And one of our new favorite activities was born…taking sentences out of context to claim them as possible titles for our autobiographies.

Now, in what will undoubtedly become an incomplete series - I present you with the mock up book cover:

This has become a low-key obsession for me and I have a note file on my phone where I jot different titles down as they come up in conversation. Highly recommend. Not my unwritten autobiography…the activity of coming up with possible titles.

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